
I am Guy Gustave NIGABA

I am a programmer who has a solid knowledge in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Ruby on Rails, etc. I can help you build software suitable for your needs

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About me

Full-stack web developer.

Committed to bringing business success by deducing solutions to problems, I work on full-stack projects by using several technologies . Working remotely is my favorite option.

Languages: JavaScript, Ruby, Html, CSS.

Frameworks: Bootstrap, Ruby on Rails, React.

Skills: Git, Github, Heroku, Netlfy, Rspec, Jest.


Backend project

Twitter Redesign with Rails

Bootstrap project

A clone of Newsweek magazine

JavaScript project

A project that shows the weather of a town typed


A frontend of bookstore made with React

If you have a project that you want me to work on, please contact me.




Call or use Whatsapp

+257 79 17 15 15 32